IPS e.max®
Treasure Dental Studio is proud to offer IPS e.max®, the most trusted all-ceramic solution in the industry. This lithium disilicate was formulated to ensure high esthetics and metal-free durability for all indications. It is available as both a pressed and milled solution, with both offering exceptional beauty and strength of up to 2.5 to 3 times more than alternative all-ceramics. IPS e.max® is thoroughly customizable as a full-contour monolithic or cut-back and layered with porcelain for the ultimate in esthetics. This restoration also contains additional impulse ingots for maximum flexibility.
- Up to 500 MPa
- Fracture-Resistant
- High Translucency
IPS e.max® can be used for veneers, inlays and onlays, occlusal veneers, partial crowns, minimally invasive crowns, implant superstructures, hybrid abutment solutions, and three-unit bridges up to the second premolar as the terminal abutment.
Bridges which include molars, Maryland style bridges, and bridges which have a short vertical height that does not allow for adequate connector height.
Anterior full-coverage crowns require a chamfer or shoulder margin. A circular shoulder is prepared with rounded inner edges or a chamfer at an angle of 10-30°: the width of the shoulder/chamfer is approx. 1 mm. Facial reduction is 1.5 – 2 mm; 1 – 1.5 mm lingual contact clearance. Incisal reduction is 1.5 – 2 mm with rounded internal line angles, and an incisal edge at least 1mm wide to permit optimum milling of the incisal edge during CAD/CAM processing. Posterior full-coverage crown requires a chamfer or shoulder margin. A circular shoulder is prepared with rounded inner edges or a chamfer at an angle of 10-30°: the width of the shoulder/chamfer is approx. 1 mm. Occlusal reduction is 1.5 – 2 mm: axial reduction (buccal, lingual, and interproximal) is 1.5 mm with rounded internal line angles.
IPS e.max® may be cemented using a resin reinforced glass ionomer such as RelyX Luting cement. When a greater bond is needed do to the lack of a retentive preparation, use resin cement like RelyX Unicam or RelyX Ultimate.
If adjustments are needed, use fine diamonds with water and light pressure. Always remove the crown when adjusting or bond/cement crown before adjustments are made.).
- D2740 Crown ,
- D2610 Inlay for 1 surface ,
- D2620 Inlay for 2 surfaces ,
- D2630 Inlay for 3 surfaces ,
- D2962 Labial Veneer ,
- D2783 Crown 3/4 Porcelain Ceramic (does not include veneers)