KeySplint™ Nightguards
KeySplint™ nightguards from Treasure Dental Studio offer digital accuracy and quality for long-lasting nighttime protection. If your patient’s teeth have been showing signs of wear and tear that is common with nighttime bruxism, it’s time to prescribe a nightguard. We craft our KeySplint™ nightguards on a state-of-the-art 3D printer, which ensures that the splint will align with your patient’s teeth perfectly. A properly fitting splint will help decrease any potential discomfort. This is aided by the high flexibility of the KeySplint™ material.
One key benefit for the clinician and patient is the ability to produce a new KeySplint Nightguard without taking a new impression. Treasure Dental Studio stores the original scan for up to five years allowing for quick fabrication should a replacement nightguard.
- Repeatable process, digital record stored for five years
- Perfect Fit
- 3D-Printed
- Highly Flexible